More information

Adding Events to Your Schedule

Add/Edit Leave Request

Working with Schedule Reminders


Viewing Your Schedule

Employees can view their schedule which show events and vacation, an employee added to their schedule as well as events and leave that their manager added to their schedule; or you can view events and vacation on the same calendar. For more information about adding events to your schedule, see Adding Events to Your Schedule.

Note: You cannot submit leave requests here, see Add/Edit Leave Request for more information.

To view your schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Scheduling page using Personal>Scheduling.
  2. If a Reminder page displays, you have events on your calendar that were configured with reminders. You can dismiss the reminders, click the Snooze button if you want to be reminded again in a specified time period, or close the page. For more information about working with reminders, see Working with Schedule Reminders.
  3. Review your schedule.
  4. If you want to see details of an event on your schedule, double-click on the event. An Appointment page opens and displays additional information about the event. For more information about the Appointment page, see Appointment. After reviewing the event details, click the Save and Close button to close the event page.