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Leave Request

Add/Edit Leave Request

Access this page using Personal>Leave Request and clicking the Add or Edit button.

Use the page to enter or modify your leave request.

Note: When you enter or edit a leave request, you manager receives an email notification, so that they can approve or reject the request. You will also receive a reminder to enter your leave time on your timesheet a week before the scheduled leave.

Requesting Leave

  1. On the Personal>Leave Request page, click the Add button to open the Leave Request page.
  2. Enter the Leave Start Date and End Date. Be sure the End Date is the same day or after the Start Date.
  3. Next select the Leave Type and Request Status.
  4. Finally, enter the Hours requested and any comments.
  5. Click Save. The system will close the Add Leave Request page, display your request at the bottom of the Leave Request Table, and send your leave request to your manager and supervisor. Also, your request will display on the Scheduling page when the Leave Request option is selected.

Note: Once approved, you will need to create a leave entry using Actions>Leave Entry.

Editing a Leave Request

  1. On the Personal>Leave Request page, select an existing Leave Request, and click the Edit button to open the Leave Balance Calculator page.
  2. The system displays the Leave Request page with your current leave information.
  3. You can change any of the existing information. Be sure to verify that the End Date is the same day or after the Start Date.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your changes, click Save. The system will close the Add Leave Request page, display your request at the bottom of the Leave Request Table, and send your leave request to your manager and supervisor. Also, your request will display on the Scheduling page when the Leave Request option is selected.

Note: After your leave request has been approved or rejected, you will not be able to edit it.


Leave Start Date: Accept the default date or click the calendar to select the day you want to start your leave.

End Date: Accept the default date or click the calendar to select the day you want your leave to end.

Leave Type: Select from the drop-down list a leave request type.

Request Status:Accept the default status of Request or select from the drop-down list your request status.

Hours Requested: Enter the number of hours you are requesting.

Comments: Enter any notes.


Save: Click this button to Save your leave request and submit it to your manager.

Cancel: Click this button to not save your leave request and return to the Leave Request page.