
Access this page using Personal>Scheduling, then double-clicking on an event or on a day.

Use this page to view event details for events on your schedule and to add events to your schedule.


Subject: View the name of an existing event, or enter a title or name for a new event.

Location: View the event location for an existing event, or specify an event location for a new event.

Label:Select a label from the drop-down list to show on the event. By default, the system displays None. However, you can select Important, Business, Personal, Vacation, Must Attend, Travel Required, Needs Preparation, Birthday, Anniversary, or Phone Call.

Start Time: View the start date and time of an existing event, or specify a start date and start time for a new event.

End Time: View the end date and time for an existing event, or specify an end date and end time for a new event.

Show time as: Specifies how to display the event on the schedule.

All Day Event: Indicates if the event is an all day event. If you want to schedule a new event as an all day event, select this check box.

Reminder: Indicates if a reminder has been specified for the event. If this check box is selected, a reminder has been specified and you will see an event reminder displayed in your schedule at the time specified on the drop-down list. If you want to specify a reminder for a new event, select the Reminder check box, then specify when you want the reminder to display by selecting one of the options on the drop-down list. For more information about reminders, see Working with Schedule Reminders.

Notes: Enter any notes here.

Recurrence: Select this check box if this appointment reoccurs. To tell the system that an appointment, meeting, or event occurs over, and over, and over, you use the Recurrence feature. Once selected, the frequency of the activity options display. Select the best fit for the event’s recurrence pattern.


Save and Close: Click this button to save your event information and close the Appointment page.

Print: Click the printer icon   to print a copy of the event information.

Red Exclamation Point: Click the red exclamation point icon to set the importance of the message to high.

Blue Down Arrow: Click the blue down arrow icon to set the importance of the message to low.

Tip: Managers can also view your schedule and add events to your schedule. For more information, see Viewing Employee Schedules and Adding Events to Employee Schedules.

Adding Events to Your Schedule

To add an event to your schedule, such as meetings, reminders to do specific tasks, and vacation days to their schedules, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Scheduling page using Personal>Scheduling.
  2. In the calendar view, click on the day where you want to add an event and then right-click to select the type of event being entered.
  3. In the Subject field, enter a name for the event.
  4. In the Location field, enter the location of the event.
  5. Select an optional Label or accept the default of None.
  6. In the Start Time field, select the day and time the event will start.
  7. In the End Time field, select the day and time the event will end.
  8. In the Show time as field, specify how you want to display the event time in the calendar.
  9. If the event is an all day event, select the All Day Event check box.
  10. If you want to display a reminder about scheduled events, select the Reminder check box and then select the time you want the reminder to display before the event from the drop-down list. When you specify a reminder for an event, the event displays on the calendar with an alarm bell icon.
  11. Enter any additional information about the event into the message text box as needed. For example, if you are scheduling a meeting, you can enter the agenda for the meeting into the text box.
  12. If you want to make the event a recurring event, click the Recurrence button, specify a recurrence pattern and recurrence range, then click the OK button. When you specify a recurrence for an event, the event displays on the calendar with a recurrence icon.

Tip: If you want to remove recurrence from an event, select the event, clear the Recurrence check box in an event, and then click the OK button.