Submitting Timesheets

If your system requires you to submit your timesheets before your manager can approve them, use the following steps:

Before you submit your timesheets, you must enter your time, using your default timesheet, including your cost center.

  1. Select Action>View Timesheets to show your current timesheet entries.
  2. If necessary, use the Edit and Delete buttons to correct or remove any entries in the list.
  3. Click Submit. The Submit Timesheets for Period page displays.
  4. Select the time period for which you want to submit your time sheets. You can type the dates in the Timesheets From and To fields, or use select dates from the calendar. The timesheets for the period appear in the list at the bottom of the page.
  5. Note: If there are no timesheets in the list, you do not have any time entered for the date range you selected. You can change the date range, or you can return to the View Timesheets page to edit your time for the specified date range.

  6. Enter any Notes you want to include with your timesheets.
  7. Click Submit. The timesheets will be forwarded to your manager or approver. They will appear in yellow on your View Timesheets page until your manager approves them. Approved timesheets appear in pink.