How Do I Create and Send Messages - Personal

Employees can use their personal Message Center to create and send messages to Human Resources staff, their manager, their supervisor, or both their manager and supervisor.

To create and send a message, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Create Message page using Personal>Create Message.
  2. In the Message Date field, enter a date for the message. If you specify a future date, your message will not be delivered until that date. For example, if today's date is March 15, and you specify March 20 as the message date, your message will not be delivered until March 20.
  3. In the Due Date field, enter a due date for the message.
  4. Enter the message you want to send.
  5. If you want to send your message to Human Resources staff, select Send to HR. Your message will be sent to all employees with employee IDs that have HR Staff timesheet permissions in the HR Management module. For more information about HR staff permissions, see Understanding Permissions.
  6. If you want to send your message to your Manager, select Send to Manager. Your message will be sent to the manager specified for your employee ID in the HR Management module. For more information about specifying managers for employee IDs, see the HR Management module online help.
  7. If you want to send your message to your Supervisor, select Send to Supervisor. Your message will be sent to the supervisor specified for your employee ID in the HR Management module. For more information about specifying supervisors for employee IDs, see the HR Management module online help.
  8. If you want to send your message to both your manager and your supervisor, select Send to Manager & Supervisor. Your message will be sent to the manager and supervisor specified for your employee ID in the HR Management module. For more information about specifying managers and supervisors for employee IDs, see the HR Management module online help.
  9. If you want to check the spelling in your message, click the Check Spelling button.
  10. Click the Create Message button to send the message.