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Dependents and Beneficiaries

Access this page using Personal>Dependents.

Use this page to view, add, edit, or delete dependents and beneficiaries from your employee profile.

To change information about your dependents and beneficiaries, complete the following steps:

Tip: Changes to dependent information do not require HR approval. Any changes you make are immediately added to your employee profile.


First Name: This field displays the first name of the dependent or beneficiary.

Middle: This field displays the middle initial of the dependent or beneficiary.

Last Name: This field displays the last name of the dependent or beneficiary.

Dependent Type: This field displays the type of record (Dependent, Beneficiary, or Both).

Relationship: This field displays your relationship to the person listed. You can enter any relationship in this field.

Birthday: This field displays the birth date of the dependent or beneficiary.

Gender: This field displays the gender (Male or Female) of the dependent or beneficiary.

Address: This field displays the address of the dependent or beneficiary. This can be a physical address or a mailing address.

City: This field displays the city associated with the Address.

State: This field displays the state associated with the Address.

Zip: This field displays the postal code associated with the Address.

Country: To be consistant

Work Phone: This field displays the work phone number of the dependent or beneficiary.

Home Phone: This field displays the home phone number of the dependent or beneficiary.

Social Security Number: This field displays the last four digits of the dependent's or beneficiary's social security number. Note that if you edit your dependent information, you will be required to updated the entire social security number again. This is for security purposes only.


Edit: Click this button to edit the selected dependent or beneficiary.

Add: Click this button to add a new dependent or beneficiary.

Delete: Click this link to delete the selected dependent or beneficiary.

Tip: Changes to dependent information do not require HR approval. Any changes you make are immediately added to your employee profile.